Saturday, December 19, 2009

Relationships (Need & No Need)
Why there is need to be in a relationship? For most of us, relationship with another is based on the dependence, either economic or psychological. This dependence creates fear, breeds-in us possessiveness, results in friction, suspicion, frustration. (At some point or other)

Economic dependence on another can perhaps be eliminated through proper planning, but I am referring especially to that psychological dependence on another, which is the outcome of need for personal satisfaction, happiness and so on.
We feel a sort of completeness with our partner. In order not to lose this source of completeness, one fears the loss of the other, and so possessive fears come into being with all their resulting problems. This conscious or unconscious fear leads to search for security through various channels. Though one is dependent on another, there is yet the desire to be free. The complex question/problem in relationship is how to love without being dependent, without friction and conflict.

Mentalmaska thought – Is it possible to have relationship without this friction and conflicts? Life cannot be without relationship. Can one love other and at the same time not be possessive? To have a good relationship isn’t it necessary for both to change?

Apparently two people, man and woman, cannot live together without conflict, without pain without sense of inequality. Why? There may be multiple causes: temperament, values, beliefs, ambitions etc. probably more than this list.
For me the answer to this question is punch line of Hero Honda “fill it, shut it, forget it”. In other words, just stop thinking and live the life. Aren’t we doing the same?
What u think !!!!!........any taker 

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